コミュニケーションの壁II 本当に通じている? 私たちの気持ち
公開日:2024年02月12日 最終更新日:2024年02月13日
【English below. Português abaixo. Español abajo】

♥On Feb.4th,2024, we held a talk and workshop on the Communication Wall II, "Are We Really Communicating?"
It was the second time we discussed about communication barriers. This workshop is the sequence of the first one we held last year, together with Hachioji International Association.
This time, 28 people joined us. Most have different backgrounds, were participating for the first time and did not know each other.
Through games and group work, we discussed and exchanged opinions about each other's experiences, feelings, and the causes of incomprehension and communication barriers.
Thanks to all that participated and to Hachioji Kokusai Kyokai for this opportunity

♥No dia 4 de fevereiro, realizamos uma palestra e workshop sobre Barreiras de Comunicação II, "Estamos realmente nos comunicando?"
Por meio de jogos e trabalhos em grupo, discutimos e trocamos opiniões sobre as nossas experiências, sentimentos e as causas da incompreensão e barreiras de comunicação.
Obrigado a todos que participaram e a Hachioji Kokusai Kyokai por esta oportunidade

♥El dia 4 de febrero hemos realizado una charla y un taller sobre el Muro de Comunicación II, "¿Nos estamos comunicando realmente?"
A través de juegos y trabajo en grupo, discutimos e intercambiamos opiniones sobre las experiencias de todos, los sentimientos y las causas de la incomprensión y las barreras de comunicación.
Gracias a todos los que participaron y a Hachioji Kokusai Kyokai por esta oportunidad

この情報は、「つながろう会 Multicultural Japan」により登録されました。