子どもがいる外国人のみなさん 楽しく話しましょう(ゆる交流会)
前半は、「子供がいる外国人のみなさん 楽しく話しましょう」で、子育て中の方々が気軽に他の参加者(つながろう会メンバー、ベテランのママたちなど)とおしゃべりできる交流タイムです。
On November 3rd,we hold our first Yuru Kouryuukai.
From 13:30 to 15:00 we had a meeting opened to those who are raising kids now or are pregnant, and had Tsunagarou kai members and veteran mothers to talk and exchange ideas.
This time, moms (and one future mom) from Germany, China, Brazil and Japan talked about pregnancy, delivery, child raising, school matters etc.
We also talked about how to get information about child raising, and the support available for those who are raising kids in Tokyo, and how to try to make Japanese and foreign friends in Hachioji.
Thank you to all that joined our first meeting!
Our next meeting will be on December 17th.
We are looking forward to meeting you there!
この情報は、「つながろう会 Multicultural Japan」により登録されました。